Finding Balance – a neverending journey (from the archives)

Balancing work and life is extremely challenging.  I want to say that again.  Balancing work and life is extremely challenging!  I am repeating myself because, as I troll through Facebook and self-help spheres, it seems like if you just do a few simple things, you will get it and be forever blissful.  Poppycock!  (Sorry for the outmoded expostulation.  Just…

Fight or Flight Explained: Understanding how your natural instincts can help (or harm) your career (from the archives)

As human beings, we have natural instincts that help us to survive.  The primal part of the brain (the brainstem, to be technical about it) takes care of these instincts.  You know the brainstem is working because you don’t have to think “breathe in, breathe out” all day to remember to move oxygen through your body.   A…